The works on this page are from 2010-2015.
I have and will continue to create in a wide variety of mediums. Below is a selection of some of my works. They Include hand drawings, paintings, sculptures, and a variety of prints created from different printmaking methods.
“A Chain is broken…” hand drawn black ink pen on archival white paper
“A Journey” Hand Draw blue and black ink pen on archival paper
Miles Davis Portrait - Hand Cut Linoleum Relief Print on Archival Paper
J the Midget - Artist Book

J the midget is an artist book that I created in 2011 and 2013. The initial pictures were taken with a 35mm Camera in Dallas Tx. I took the film negatives and created an edition of artist books in Austin Texas two years later. The story follows a homeless alcoholic who deals in depression. The narrative was inspired by my neighborhood in Dallas at the time. I wanted to play around with techniques and themes and I had a lot of fun making the project. There is a follow up that I have in mind and I’d like to produce it one day.
Various Works
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